
Welcome to Bangla-Tangla! This site contains some tools and resources for people who are learning the Bengali (Bangla) language. Use the menu at the top of the page to navigate the site. To get back to this page just click on the title at the top of the page.

Bangla Fonts and Keyboard

This site has embedded Bangla fonts that should work on any modern computer or smartphone.

The Bangla-Tangla dictionary allows you to look up Bangla words using roman characters, but to search for words more precisely you'll need a way to input Bangla characters. This usually involves installing keyboard software that maps the keys on your English keyboard to Bangla characters. The popular Avro keyboard allows phonetic typing on Windows, MacOS and Linux. For Android I recommend the Ridmik keyboard. For typing Bangla explicitly, I use the Probhat keyboard on Linux and Windows, and the built-in Bangla-QWERTY keyboard on MacOS. In a pinch, you can type into Avro.im or use gmail's Bangla input system, and then cut and paste the word as needed.


If you have any comments about this stuff, or want to report a bug, or just want to tell me that you are using these tools, please feel free to send email to banglatanglatools@gmail.com. I'd love to hear from you! And please share this page with anyone who you think might find it useful. If people are using it it's more likely to survive and grow!


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