ভিজে definitions

Bangla-Tangla Dictionary
ভিজে – wet

perfective participle of ভেজা:
ভেজা – to get wet

shadhu 3rd person ordinary present simple tense of ভেজা:
ভেজা – to get wet

Samsad Bengali-English Dictionary
ভিজে [ bhijē ] a coll corrup. of ভিজা (a.). ভিজে বেড়াল (fig.) a terrible rogue appearing to be perfectly innocent and harmless, a wolf in sheep's skin. perfective participle of ভেজা: ভিজা, ভেজা [ bhijā, bhējā ] v to get wet; to soak with water or any other liquid; to soften by being steeped in water or any other liquid; (fig.) to soften emotionally (মন ভেজা). ☐ a. wet; soaked with or steeped in water etc.; containing water or vapour, damp, hydrous, vapoury (ভেজা বাতাস). ~নো v. to make wet; to soak with or steep in water etc.; to soften by steeping in water etc. shadhu 3rd person ordinary present simple tense of ভেজা: ভিজা, ভেজা [ bhijā, bhējā ] v to get wet; to soak with water or any other liquid; to soften by being steeped in water or any other liquid; (fig.) to soften emotionally (মন ভেজা). ☐ a. wet; soaked with or steeped in water etc.; containing water or vapour, damp, hydrous, vapoury (ভেজা বাতাস). ~নো v. to make wet; to soak with or steep in water etc.; to soften by steeping in water etc.
Samsad Bangla Abhidhan
ভিজে [ bhijē ] বিণ. জলের সংস্পর্শে এসে নরম ও জলসিক্ত হয়েছে এমন। [বাং. √ ভিজ্]। ভিজে বেড়াল (আল.) দেখতে নিরীহ হলেও আসলে দুষ্ট প্রকৃতির লোক।

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