বিমানচালক definitions

Bangla-Tangla Dictionary
বিমানচালক – pilot
Samsad Bengali-English Dictionary
বিমান [ bimāna ] n a chariot or other vehicle capable of moving in the air; an aircraft, an aeroplane; a seven-storied building; (loos.) the sky. ~আক্রমণ n. an air raid. ~ঘাঁটি n. an aerodrome. ~চলন n. aviation. ~চালক n. a pilot, an aviator. ~চারী a. moving in the sky or air; aerial, ethereal; aviating. ☐ n. one capable of moving in the sky or air; an aerial or ethereal being; an aviator. fem. ~চারিণী । বিমান ডাক n. air-mail. ~ধ্বংসী a. anti-aircraft. ~পথ n. airway. ~পরিবহন n. air-transport. ~বন্দর n. an airport. ~বাহিনী n. the Air Force. ~বিদ্যা n. aeronautics. ~যুদ্ধ n. an aerial battle. বিমানাঙ্গন n. an airfield.

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