বহুতল definitions

Bangla-Tangla Dictionary
বহুতল – multistoried
Samsad Bengali-English Dictionary
বহু3 [ bahu3 ] a many, numerous; much, manifold, diverse; profuse, abundant; long; more than one, poly-, multi-. ~কষ্টে adv. with great difficulty. ~কাল n. a long time. বহুকাল ধরে for a long time. for long. বহুকাল পরে after a long time. বহু কাল পূর্বে long ago. ~কালব্যাপী a. long continued or long-lasting; very old. ~কেলে a. very old, antique. ~কেশর a. (bot.) polyandrous. ~কোষ্ঠ a. (bot.) multilocular. ~ক্ষণ n. a long while, a long time. ~গর্ভপত্রী a. (bot.) polycarpellary. ~গুচ্ছ a. (bot.) polyadelphous. ~গুণ a. multiplied many times; many times over; many more, much more. ~জাতিক a. multinational. ~জ্ঞ a. polymathic, having varied or vast experience. বহুজ্ঞ ব্যক্তি a polymath; a man of varied or vast experience. ~তর a. many more; too many; too much; diverse, various; manifold; many, numerous; much, pro fuse. ~তল a. multi-storeyed. ~তলক n. (geom.) a polyhedron. ~তা same as বহুত্ব । ~ত্ব n. numerousness; muchness; profusion, abundance; excessiveness; diversity. ~ত্র adv. at or in many or diverse places. ~দর্শিতা n. varied or wide or vast experience. ~দর্শী a. having seen much; having varied experience or vast experience. fem. ~দর্শিনী । ~দূর a. very far, far-away, far-off, distant. ☐ adv. very far, far off, far away, at a great distance. ☐ n. a great distance, a far cry. ~দূরবর্তী a. far-off, remote. ~ধা adv. in many and diverse modes or methods or ways or directions or parts; diversely; many times. ~পতিত্ব n. polyan dry. ~পত্মীক a. having many wives, ploygamous. ~পদ a. (alg.) polynomial; (zoo.) polypod. পদ প্রাণী a ploypod, a multiped. ~বহুপার্শ্বীয় a. (bot.) multipa rous; multilateral. ~প্রসবিনী a. fem. bearing many children; prolific; fertile. প্রান্তীয় a. parietal. ~ফলকপত্র n. (bot.) a compound leaf. ~বচন see বচন । ~বর্ষজীবী a. (bot.) perennial; (of man) long-lived. ~বল্লভ n. one beloved of many women; Krishna. (কৃষ্ণ). fem. ~বল্লভা a woman beloved of many men; a flirt; a prostitute. ~বিধ a. of many and diverse sorts. ~বিবাহ polygamy. ~বিবাহকারী a. polygamous. ☐ n. a polygamist. ~বিবাহকারিণী a. polyandrous. ☐ n. a polyandrist. ~বিস্তীর্ন a. spread over a wide or large area, far-flung. ~বীজপত্রী (bot.) a. polycotyledon. ~ব্যয়সাধ্য a. very expensive or costly. ~ব্যয়ে adv. at a great cost or expense. ~ব্রীহি n. (gr.) mode of forming compound words (a compound word formed by this mode gives a meaning which neither of the constituent words implies). ~ভর্তৃক a. having many husbands. ~ভাগ, ~ভাগ্য , a. very fortunate. ☐ n. a great fortune. ~ভাষিতা n. speaking many languages; garrulity, talkativeness. ~ভাষী a. speaking many languages, polyglottic; garrulous, talkative. বহুভাষী ব্যক্তি a polyglot; a garrulous or talkative person. ~ভুজ a. (geom.) polygonal; (bio.) polypous. ☐ n. a polygon; a polyp. ~ভুজক্ষেত্র n. (geom.) a polygon. ~ভ্রূণবীজতা n. (bot.) polyembryony. ~ভ্রূণবীজী a. (bot.) polyembryonic. ~মত a. highly esteemed; greatly honoured. ~মান n. high esteem; great honour. ~মানাস্পদ a. highly esteemed or revered. ~মুখ a. multifaced; multifarious; multiplex (বহুমুখ টেলিগ্রাফ); (of a school or co-operative society) multipurpose. fem. ~মুখী । ~মূত্র n. diabetes. ~মূত্রগত a.diabetic. ~মূত্রপীড়িত a. diabetic. ~মূর্তি a. multiform. মূল্য a.very costly; very precious. ~যৌগিক a. (bot.) decompound. ~রাশিক n. (arith.) the double rule of three. ~রূপ1 a. diverse. multifarious. ~রূপ2, বহুরূপী a. assuming different forms; polymorphic, multi form. ☐ n. the chameleon; an itinerant showman who amuses people by assuming various forms. fem. a. ~রূপিনী । ~রূপতা a. polymorphism. ~ adv. many times, many a time and oft; in a great measure, to a great extent. ~শাখ a. having many branches. ~শাস্ত্রজ্ঞ a. polymathic. ~বহুশাস্ত্রজ্ঞ ব্যক্তি a polymath. ~শিরাল a. (bot.) multicostate. ~শ্রুত a. profoundly or vastly learned, erudite, well-versed in many disciplines. ~স্বামিক a. having to serve many masters; having many owners.

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