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হীন definitions
Samsad Bengali-English Dictionary
হীন [ hīna ] a devoid of; divested or deprived of; destitute of; lacking, bereaved of; -less (পাপ হীন = sinless); base, mean; vile, hateful; lowly, depressed; inferior; lower (পদমর্যাদায় হীন); lowered, degraded; humiliated; humble; undignified; poor, indigent (হীন অবস্থা); miserable; decreased or diminished; dull, dim. হীন করাv. to debase; to lower, to degrade; to humiliate; to make poor or indigent. ~কর্মাa. doing vile or hateful deeds; employed in a lowly or base work. ~চরিত্রa. depraved; mean-na tured. ~চেতাa. mean-minded. ~জন্মাa. low-born. ~জাতিa. belonging to a lowly or depressed or vile caste or race. ~তাn. privation, absence; lack; meanness; vileness, hatefulness; low state, depression; inferiority; humiliation; humility; indignity; poverty; misery; shortage. হীনতাব্যঞ্জকa. indicating meanness; disgraceful; undignified. ~প্রকৃতি ; a. mean-natured, of an ignoble character; small-minded. ~প্রভa. lack lustre; dim. ~বলa. weak; feeble; weakened, enfeebled. ~বুদ্ধিa. having evil or vile thoughts. ~বৃত্তিn. a vile or lowly occupation or calling. ☐ a. employed in a vile or lowly occupation. ~মতি, ~মনাa. mean-minded; suffering from inferiority complex. ~মন্যতা, ~মানসn. inferiority complex. ~যানn. one of the two Buddhist sects. হীনাবস্থa. poor, indigent; low-lived; in a miser able state. হীনাবস্থাn. poverty, indigence; a low life; a miserable or wretched state.