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সর্বোচ্চ definitions
Bangla-Tangla Dictionary
সর্বোচ্চ – maximum
Samsad Bengali-English Dictionary
সর্ব [ sarba ] a all; whole, entire; complete, total, thorough; universal. ☐ n. Shiva (শিব). সর্বংসহa. tolerating everything, allenduring, omnipotent. fem. সর্বংসহা । ~কালীনa. of all times, all-time; working wholetime or covering whole time; wholetime. ~কালেadv. in all times, ever. ~ক্ষণn. all time; the whole time, all the time. ☐ adv. every moment, always. ~গতa. all-pervading; omnipresent. ~গুণাকর, ~গুণাধারn. a container of all virtues or good qualities. ☐ a. (erron.) same as ~গুণান্বিত । ~গুণান্বিতa. endowed with all virtues or good qualities; all-good. ~গ্রাসn. total eclipse; act of devouring or grabbing everything. ~গ্রাসীa. all-devouring; all grabbing. fem. ~গ্রাসিনী । ~জনপ্রিয়a. be loved of all, dear to all; universally popular. ~জনস্বীকৃতa. universally or unanimously admitted or accepted. ~জনহিতn. universal good, universal welfare; public good, public welfare. ~জনহিতকরa. beneficial to all, good for all, universally good. ~জনীনa. good for all, universally good; universal; public, common. ~জনীনতাn. universality. ~জ্ঞa. all-knowing, omniscient. সর্বজ্ঞতাn. omniscience. ~তadv. in all respects; in everything; everywhere; in all ways; by all means; entirely, wholly; thoroughly. সর্বতোভাবে same as ~থা । ~ত্যাগীa. all-renouncing, all-sacrificing. fem. ~ত্যাগিনী । ~ত্রadv. every where; ever, in all times; in all directions; in all respects. ~গামী capable of or given to going or reaching every where. fem. সর্বত্রগামিনী । ~থাadv. in every way or manner, by all means; in all respects. ~দর্শীa. all-seeing. fem. ~দর্শিনী । ~দাadv. always, ever; in all times. ~দুঃখহরa. removing all sorrows or afflictions. fem. ~দুঃখহরা । ~দেশীয়a. pertaining to all countries, international, universal; country-wide. ~ধর্মসমন্বয়n. synthesis or harmonization of all religions. ~নামn. (gr.) the pro noun. ~নাশn. complete or total destruction; utter ruin; great harm; a great danger or calamity. সর্বনাশ করাv. to destroy completely or totally; to ruin utterly; to undo (a person); to cause a great harm or danger or calamity (to). সর্বনাশ হওয়াv. to be destroyed completely; to be ruined utterly; to be undone; to be harmed greatly; to be placed in a great danger or calamity. ~নাশা (loos.) a. same as ~নাশী (a.). ☐ n. (usu. in mild reproach) one who undoes a person by exposing him or her to shame; a shameless man. ~নাশীa. causing complete or total destruction; causing utter ruin; causing a great harm or danger or calamity to. ☐ n. fem. of ~নাশা ।fem a. ~নাশিনী । ~নিয়ন্তাn. one who controls everything; the Su preme Ruler, God. fem. ~নিয়ন্ত্রী the controller of everything. ~নেশে coll. var. of ~নাশা । ~প্রকারa. of all kinds and varieties; omnigenous; all-round. ~প্রকারেadv. in every way; in all respects. ~প্রথমa. first, foremost. ~প্রধানa. chief of all, most distinguished; most important; pre-eminent; chief; sovereign, supreme. ~প্রিয়a. dear to everyone, be loved of all, popular with all, universally popular. ~বাদিসম্মতa. unanimously agreed or accepted, unanimous; universally agreed or accepted. ~বিধ same as ~প্রকার । ~বিষয়েadv. in all matters; in everything; in all respects; in all subjects. ~বিষহরa. counteracting all poisons. ~বিষহর ওষুধ an antidote for all poisons, (cp.) the Venice treacle. ~ব্যাপীa. all-pervading; ubiquitous; ubiquitarian; omnipresent; (loos.) universal. fem. ~ব্যাপিনী । ~ব্যাপিতাn. the state of being all-pervading; ubiquity; omnipresence; (loos.) universality. ~ভুকa. omnivorous. ~ভূতn. all created beings. ~ভূতাত্মাn. the Soul that is present or inherent in all created beings. ~মঙ্গলাn. fem. one who is the cause or source of all good; Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ~ময়a. all-pervading; ubiquitous; ubiquitarian; omnipresent; all in all (সর্বময় কর্তা); all-powerful, sovereign, supreme; omnipotent. fem. ~ময়ী । ~রোগহরa. counteracting or curing all diseases. ~রোগহর ওষুধn. a cure all, a panacea. ~লোকn. the whole universe; the whole world; all people of the world, everybody, all and sundry. ~শক্তি প্রয়োগ করাv. to apply total or utmost strength or power; to exert one's utmost; to apply all powers or forces. ~শক্তিমানa. all-powerful, almighty, omnipotent. ~শাস্ত্রজ্ঞa. versed in all branches of learning or in all sciences or in all scriptures. ~শেষa. last of all, ultimate. ~শেষেadv. last of all, at last. ~শ্রেষ্ঠa. best of all; pre-eminent; highest; supreme. ~সমক্ষেadv. before every body, in presence of all, in public, publicly, openly. ~সমa. equal in all respects, congruent. ~সময়, ~সময়েadv. all times or hours; always, ever; every time. ~সম্মতa. unanimously approved or permitted or accepted or acknowledged. ~সম্মতিক্রমেadv. unanimously; with unanimous approval or support. ~সাকুল্যেadv. in all, in the aggregate, as a whole, collectively. ~সাধারণn. the public, the people. ~সিদ্ধিn. attainment or realization of all desires or ends; complete success. ~স্বn. whatever one possesses, one's total possessions, one's all. ~স্বহরণn. robbing one of all one's belongings. ~স্বান্তa. robbed of one's all belongings; utterly ruined. ~হিত same as ~জনহিত । সর্বাংশn. all parts. সর্বাংশেadv. in every part; in all respects; completely, thoroughly; perfectly. সর্বাগ্রa. foremost; first; lying in the forefront. সর্বাগ্রেadv. in the fore most place; first of all, in the forefront. সর্বাঙ্গn. the whole body; all limbs. সর্বাঙ্গসুন্দরa. beautiful in every limb; having a perfectly beautiful body; beautiful in all respects or in every part, perfectly beautiful. সর্বাঙ্গীণa. covering the whole body, considering every limb; considering all aspects; thorough, comprehensive; total, complete. সর্বাঙ্গেadv. all over the body, all over; in every limb; in all parts; in all respects; thoroughly, completely, totally. সর্বাণীn. Goddess Durga the wife of Sarva (সর্ব). সর্বাত্মকa. all-pervading; comprehensive; total, complete; all out; supreme, sovereign. সর্বাদৃতa. well received by all, dear to all; universally popular. সর্বাধিকa. most of all, most, greatest, highest, largest; utmost. সর্বাধিনায়কn. the supreme leader; the commander-in-chief. সর্বাধ্যক্ষn. the director-general; (loos.) the managing director. সর্বান্তঃকরণেadv. whole-heartedly, with all one's heart, heart and soul, willingly and completely. সর্বাপেক্ষাadv. of all; beyond all; above all. সর্বাবয়ব same as সর্বাঙ্গ । সর্বাভরণn. ornament for all the different limbs; all ornaments. সর্বার্থসাধকa. fulfilling all desires; realizing all ends; supplying all needs; (loos.) multipurpose (সর্বার্থসাধক সমবায় সমিতি বা বিদ্যালয় . fem. সর্বার্থসাধিকা । সর্বার্থসিদ্ধিn. same as সর্বসিদ্ধি । সর্বেশ্বরn. the lord or master of all; the supreme lord; God; Shiva (শিব). ☐ a. having sovereign authority over everybody; supreme; sovereign. সর্বেসর্বাa. all in all; invested with absolute authority; all-ruling; predominant. সর্বোচ্চa. highest of all; most high, highest. সর্বোত্তমa. best, choicest, most excellent. সর্বোপরিadv. on the topmost place; uppermost; above all.