সম্বন্ধেও definitions

Bangla-Tangla Dictionary
conjunctive of সম্বন্ধে: সম্বন্ধে – about (in connection) [postposition]

conjunctive of locative of সম্বন্ধ:
সম্বন্ধ – connection

Samsad Bengali-English Dictionary
conjunctive of সম্বন্ধে: সম্বন্ধ [ sambandha ] n relation, connection; concern; intercourse; kinship, relationship, affinity; a marriage proposal or negotiation. সম্বন্ধ করা n. to negotiate a marriage; to make negotiations for a marriage. সম্বন্ধ করা v. to have connection or relation or concern or intercourse or kinship or relationship (with) সম্বন্ধ রাখা v. to keep connection with; to observe formalities of kinship or relationship. রাসায়নিক সম্বন্ধ chemical affinity. ~পদ n. (gr.) a word in the possessive case, a genitive. সম্বন্ধী a. related (to), connected (with). ☐ n. wife's brother or cousin-brother (generally one older than the wife), a brother-in-law. সম্বন্ধীয় a. (used as a prep.) related to, concerning, regarding. সম্বন্ধে prep. concerning, regarding, about, as regards, as to. conjunctive of locative of সম্বন্ধ: সম্বন্ধ [ sambandha ] n relation, connection; concern; intercourse; kinship, relationship, affinity; a marriage proposal or negotiation. সম্বন্ধ করা n. to negotiate a marriage; to make negotiations for a marriage. সম্বন্ধ করা v. to have connection or relation or concern or intercourse or kinship or relationship (with) সম্বন্ধ রাখা v. to keep connection with; to observe formalities of kinship or relationship. রাসায়নিক সম্বন্ধ chemical affinity. ~পদ n. (gr.) a word in the possessive case, a genitive. সম্বন্ধী a. related (to), connected (with). ☐ n. wife's brother or cousin-brother (generally one older than the wife), a brother-in-law. সম্বন্ধীয় a. (used as a prep.) related to, concerning, regarding. সম্বন্ধে prep. concerning, regarding, about, as regards, as to.
Samsad Bangla Abhidhan
conjunctive of locative of সম্বন্ধ: সম্বন্ধ [ sambandha ] বিণ. 1 দৃঢ়রূপে বদ্ধ বা যুক্ত; 2 সম্পর্কযুক্ত। [সং. সম্ + বদ্ধ]।

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