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শূন্য definitions
Bangla-Tangla Dictionary
শূন্য – zero, void, empty
Samsad Bengali-English Dictionary
শূন [ śūna ] a poet, corrup. of শূন্য ।শূন্য [ śūnya ] n (math.) zero; cipher; nothing; the sky; an open or empty place, space, (the) void; inexistence; absence. ☐ a. destitute of, devoid of (জনশূন্য বুদ্ধিশূন্য); vacant; empty; stoical, indifferent. ☐ in comp. (used as a sfx.) -less (গৃহশূন্য = homeless). ~কুম্ভn. an empty pitcher; (fig.—dero.) a man of no worth or substance, a man of straw. ~ক্রান্তি-রেখাn. (astr.) the aclinic line. ~গর্ভa. containing nothing within, empty; hollow; (fig.) unsubstantial or insincere (শূন্যগর্ভ কথা = empty words). ~তাn. vacancy; emptiness; stoicism, indifference. ~দৃষ্টিn. a vacant or blank look. ~পথ an aerial route. ~পানেadv. towards the sky. ~বাদn. the Buddhist doctrine which holds that the world has evolved out of nothing and will pass into nothing; atheism, nihilism. ~বাদীa. Buddhistic, Buddhist; atheisti cal, atheistic; nihilistic. ☐ n. a Buddhist; an atheist; a nihilist. শূন্য মনn. a vacant or unoccupied mind; an indifferent or stocial mind. ~মনেadv. in a vacant mood. ~মার্গn. aerial path; pas sage through the air. ~যাত্রাn. a flight. ~স্থানn. empty or vacant space; a blank; a gap. ~হস্তa. empty-handed; financially hard up, broke; not carrying any weapon. ~হস্তেadv. empty-handedly; without (having any) money; without carrying any weapon. ~হাত same as ~হস্ত । ~করণn. act of making empty; evacuation. শূন্যীকৃতa. emptied; evacuated.