মৃতদেহ definitions

Bangla-Tangla Dictionary
মৃতদেহ – dead body (used commonly including for close people)
Samsad Bengali-English Dictionary
মৃত [ mṛta ] a dead, deceased, defunct; lifeless; inanimate. ~কল্প, ~প্রায়, ~বৎ a. almost or nearly dead, dying, moribund. ~দার a. masc. one whose wife is dead. মৃতদার ব্যক্তি a widower. ~দেহ n. a dead body; corpse (of a human being); carcass (of an animal). ~বৎসা a fem. (usually) giving birth to still-born babies. ~সঞ্জীবনী a. capable of bringing back the dead to life. ☐ n. anything (esp. a medicine) capable of bringing back the dead to life. মৃতাশৌচ n. personal impurity caused by the death of a blood-relation.

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