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মধ্যপন্থীকে definitions
Bangla-Tangla Dictionary
objective of মধ্যপন্থী:মধ্যপন্থী – [noun][adjective] moderate (political) [derivation: মধ্য + পন্থী]
Samsad Bengali-English Dictionary
objective of মধ্যপন্থী:মধ্য [ madhya ] n the middle; the centre; the waist; the inside or interior; midst; interval. ☐ a. middle, central, mid; interior, inside; intervening, interim, mean; middling, mediocre; medium. মধ্য উষ্ণতা mean temperature. ~কa. (arith.) mean. ☐ n. (arith.) a mean. ~কর্ণn. the middle ear, (loos.) the tympanum. ~কালn. (astr.) the meantime. ~কোণn. (astr.) the mean anomaly. ~ক্ষীণাa. fem. having a slender waist. ~গa. of the middling state, mean. fem. ~গা । ~গমনn. (astr.) culmination. ~চ্ছদাn. (physio.) the diaphragm. ~তলn. (astr.) the meridian plane. ~ত্বকn. (bot.) mesocarp. ~দিনn. (arch.) midday, noon. ~দেশn. the middle or central part; the waist; the interior or inside; Central India. ~পদলোপীn. (gr.) a mode of framing compound words by deleting the word in the middle of other two. ~পর্দা, ~পরদাn. the middle lamella. ~পন্থাn. the middle course; the golden mean. ~পন্থীa. & n. moderate, (a person) avoiding extremes and following or pursuing the middle course or the golden mean. ~প্রাচ্যn. the Middle East; countries of the Middle East. ~বয়স্কa. middle-aged. fem. মধ্যবয়স্কা । ~বর্তিতাn. the state of being in the middle; the state of being inside; intermediacy; intervention; mediation. ~বর্তীa. situated or stationed in the middle or inside or in the midst; intermediate; intervening; medial; mediating. fem. ~বর্তিনী । ~বর্তী নিযুক্তক a handling agent. মধ্যবর্তী হওয়াv. to lie in or go into the middle; to intervene; to mediate. ~বিত্তa. middleclass, bourgeois. মধ্যবিত্ত-মনোবৃত্তিn. middleclass mentality; (esp. pol.) petty bourgeois mentality. মধ্যবিত্ত-সম্প্রদায়n. the middle class, the bourgeoisie. ~বিধa. middling, mediocre. ~বিন্দুn. the centre. ~ভারতn. Central India. ~মণিn. a jewel at the centre of anything; (fig.) the most glorious or precious or prominent person or thing. ~মানn. an Indian musical measure. ~যুগn. the Middle Ages. ~যুগীয়a. mediaeval. ~রাত্রn. midnight. ~রাত্রেadv. at midnight, at dead of night. ~রেখাn. (geog. & astr.) the meridian; (geom.) a median. মধ্যশিক্ষা পর্ষৎ The Board of Secondary Education. ~শিরাn. (bot.) the midrib. ~স্থa. of the interior or inside; inner; lying inside or in the interior; lying in the midst; intermediate, medial; intervening; mediating; intermediary. ☐ n. a mediator; an arbitrator, an arbiter; an intermediary, a middleman, a go-between. fem. ~স্থা । মধ্যস্থ ন্যায়ালয় an arbitral tribunal. ~স্থতাn. mediation; arbitration. মধ্যস্থতা করাv. to mediate; to arbitrate. ~স্থলn. the middle; the centre; the inside, the interior; the midst. ~স্থিতa. lying inside or in the interior; lying in the midst.