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ভদ্রলোকের definitions
Bangla-Tangla Dictionary
genitive of ভদ্রলোক:ভদ্রলোক – gentleman
Samsad Bengali-English Dictionary
genitive of ভদ্রলোক:ভদ্র [ bhadra ] a polished or elegant in taste or demeanour; (rare) civilized; courteous; polite; well-behaved, mannerly; amiable; suave; belonging to polished or high society; gentle, auspicious, propitious, salutary; honest, chaste. ☐ n. weal; welfare; Shiva (শিব). ভদ্র আচরণ gentlemanly conduct; good manners. ~কালীn. a manifestation of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ~তাn. polished or elegant taste or demeanour; courtesy, politeness; amiability; suavity; gentility; auspiciousness, propitiousness, salu tariness; honesty, chastity; formality. ভদ্রতা করাv. to treat one courteously, to be formal with; to be suave. ভদ্রতার অনুরোধে, ভদ্রতার খাতিরে for courtesy's sake, for the sake of formalities. ভদ্রতাচরণn. courteous or polite deport mentor conduct, courtesy. ভদ্রতাবিরুদ্ধa. discourteous, impolite, uncivil. ভদ্রতামূলকa. pertaining to courtesy, formal. ~মহিলাn. fem. a gentle woman; a lady. ~লোকn. a gentleman; a courteous or amiable man; an honest man. ভদ্রলোকের এক কথা (fig.) a gentleman or an honest man is always true to his words or promise. ~সন্তানn. one coming of a respectable family; a gentle man. ~সমাজn. society of cultured or decent people. ~স্থa. (coll.) in the state of a gentlemen; gentlemanlike. ভদ্রাa. fem. of ভদ্র (a.). ☐ n. (astr. & astrol.) the second, seventh or twelfth day of a lunar fortnight (these days are considered inauspicious. ভদ্র পড়াv. (dial.) to be obstructed or hindered; to have an impediment or a hitch or a set-back. ভদ্রাভদ্রn. good and evil; respectable and disreputable. ভদ্রেশ্বরn. a manifestation of Shiva (শিব). ভদ্রোচিতa. gentlemanlike, gentlemanly; polite; courteous; gentle.