ফোঁসফোঁস definitions

Bangla-Tangla Dictionary
ফোঁসফোঁস – (+ করে কাঁদা = to snivel)
Samsad Bengali-English Dictionary
ফোঁস [ phōm̐sa ] int denoting: a sudden deep sigh of suppressed grief etc.; a hiss of a snake; a sudden angry growl. ফোঁস করা v. to heave suddenly a deep sigh of sup pressed grief etc.; to hiss; to growl angrily and suddenly, to snarl out. ~ফোঁস int. denoting: repeated deep sighs of suppressed grief etc.; repeated hissing; repeated angry growls. ফোঁসফোঁস করা, ফোঁসফোঁসানো v. to heave repeatedly deep sighs of suppressed grief etc.; to weep profusely, to blubber; (of snakes) to hiss repeatedly; to make angry growls continuously. ~ফোঁসানি n. repeated deep sighs of suppressed grief etc.; blubbering, profuse weeping; repeated hissing; continuous angry growls.

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