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নীচে definitions
Bangla-Tangla Dictionary
নীচে – under, below
Samsad Bengali-English Dictionary
নীচে [ nīcē ] adv. prep under, below, beneath, underneath (গাছের নীচে); in the bottom of (সমুদ্রের নীচে); at the foot of (পাহাড়ের নীচে).locative of নীচ:নীচ1 [ nīca1 ] n a place or position below; a low or depressed position (নীচ থেকে উপরে).locative of নীচ:নীচ2 [ nīca2 ] a low; inferior; base, mean; vile. নীচ কুল a family that is socially inferior; a low-caste family. ~কুলজাত, ~কুলোদ্ভবa. of low birth, low-born. fem. ~কুলজাতা, ~কুলোদ্ভবা । ~গামী same as নীচাসক্তfem. ~গামিনী । ~চেতা same as নীচমনা । ~জাতীয়a. belonging to or coming of a low caste, low-born. fem. ~জাতীয়া । ~তা, ~ত্বn. lowness; inferiority; baseness, meanness; vileness. ~প্রকৃতিa. by nature mean; naturally or essentially mean. ☐ n. mean nature. ~প্রবৃত্তিa. having base tendencies or propensities or desire. ☐ n. a base tendency or desire. ~ভাষাn. vulgar language, slang. ~মনা a small-minded, mean-minded. ~যোনিn. a creature of an inferior (esp. non-human) order; birth in an inferior order of creatures. ☐ a. born as an inferior creature; born of an inferior creature. ~স্বভাব same as নীচপ্রকৃতিfem. ~স্বভাবা । ~হৃদয়a. same as নীচমনা ।