দেশপ্রেম definitions

Bangla-Tangla Dictionary
দেশপ্রেম – patriotism
Samsad Bengali-English Dictionary
দেশ [ dēśa ] n a country, a land; a state; a province (বঙ্গদেশ, অঙ্গদেশ); motherland, native land (কাফ্রিদের দেশ আফ্রিকায়); native village (ছেলেটি সবে দেশ থেকে শহরে এসেছে); a region (মরুদেশ); a place (পৃষ্ঠদেশ); a part or portion (মধ্যদেশ); a direction or quarter (অধোদেশ); a raga or musical mode. ~কাল n. a particular place and a point of time or their nature or condition; a particular circumstance. ~কালজ্ঞ a. conversant with the nature of a particular place and time or with that of different places and points of time. ~কালপাত্র n. a particular place and a point of time and a person or their nature or condition. ~কালাতীত a. transcending space and time, universal and eternal. ~কালোচিত a. befitting and serving the needs of a particular place and a point of time; befitting the circumstances. ~খ্যাত a. same as দেশপ্রসিদ্ধ। ~ছাড়া a. away from home; away from one's motherland. ~গৌরব n. pride of a or of one's country. ~জ, ~জাত a. indigenous. ~জোড়া same as দেশব্যাপী । ~ত্যাগ n. leaving a country or one's own country (esp. for good), emigration or migration from one's native land. দেশত্যাগ করা v. to leave a country or one's own country (esp. for good); to emigrate or migrate. ~ত্যাগী a. (also n.) emigrant, migrant. ~দেশান্তর n. one's native land and other countries; countries far and near, different countries. ~দ্রোহ n. treason or treachery against one's own country or state. ~দ্রোহী a. committing treason or treachery against one's own country or state. ~ধর্ম n. customs and practices peculiar to a country. ~পর্যটন same as দেশভ্রমণ । ~প্রথা same as দেশধর্ম । ~প্রসিদ্ধ a. famous all over the country. ~প্রিয় a. be loved of one's countrymen. ~প্রেম n. attachment to or love for one's mother land, patriotism. ~প্রেমিক n. a lover of one's motherland, a patriot. ~বন্ধু n. a friend of the country; the friend of one's own country. ~বিখ্যাত same as দেশপ্রসিদ্ধ । ~বিদেশ n. one's native land and foreign countries, home and abroad. ~বিদেশে adv. at home and abroad; all over the world. ~বিশ্রুত same as দেশপ্রসিদ্ধ । ~বিধান n. customs and conventions peculiar to a country. ~ব্যাপী a. countrywide. ~বিভাগ n. the partition of a country. ~ভেদে adv. according to the change of countries; in different lands. ~ভ্রমণ n. travel in different lands, journeying from country to country; travel in different parts of a country. দেশভ্রমণ করা v. to travel in different countries or in different parts of a country. ~ময় a. countrywide. ☐ adv. all over the country. ~মাতৃকা n. a country conceived or personified as the mother of its inhabitants; motherland. ~রক্ষা n. the defence of a country. দেশরক্ষা-মন্ত্রক n. the ministry of defence. ~সেবক n. a servant of one's mother land. ~সেবা n. service to one's mother land. ~স্থ a. situated or living in a country; (loos.) of or concerning a country, internal; (loos.) indigenous. ~হিত n. welfare of a country. ~হিতকর a. beneficial to a country, conducive to a country's welfare. ~হিতব্রত n. avowed determination to do good to one's country. ☐ a. same as দেশহিতব্রতী । ~হিতব্রতী a. avowedly devoted to the welfare of one's country. হিতৈষণা, ~হিতৈষিত n. desire of doing good to one's own country. হিতৈষী a. desirous of doing good to one's own country.

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