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তলপেটে definitions
Bangla-Tangla Dictionary
locative of তলপেট:তলপেট – abdomen [derivation: তল + পেট]
Samsad Bengali-English Dictionary
locative of তলপেট:তল [ tala ] n the underneath (চরণতল, আকাশতল); base, foot, root (বৃক্ষতল); bottom, bed (সমুদ্রতল); surface (ভূতল); a plane (সমতল); the palm of the hand (করতল, তলপ্রহার); a storey, a floor (অট্টালিকার দ্বিতলে); a deck (জাহাজের দ্বিতলে). ~দেশn. bottom, bed; base, foot; the underneath. ~পেটn. the lower part of the belly, the abdomen. ~প্রহারn. a stroke with the open palm, a slap, a buffet. তলপ্রহার করাv. to slap, to buffet. ~স্থিত a. lying at the bottom. তলে তলে at bottom; at heart; from behind the curtain, unobservedly, secretly, clandestinely, surreptitiously.