জয়লাভ definitions

Bangla-Tangla Dictionary
জয়লাভ – victory (+ করা = to win) [derivation: জয় + লাভ]
Samsad Bengali-English Dictionary
জয় [ jaẏa ] n act of defeating or conquering; victory, triumph, win, conquest; ovation, applause (জয়ধ্বনি). ☐ int. victory (জয় ভগবান). জয় করা v. to win; to defeat; to conquer; to succeed. জয় হওয়া v. to be won or conquered; to be crowned with victory or success (তোমার জয় হবে). ~গান n. a song of praise; singing in praise. ~জয়কার n. (popular) praise of a victorious person; huzza; (loos.) great or repeated victory. জয়জয়কার করা v. to receive with an ovation, to huzza; জয়জয়কার হওয়া v. to be received with an ovation, to be acclaimed. ~জয়ন্তী n. an Indian musical mode. ~ঢাক n. a war-drum. ~তু v. be victorious, let victory attend you (জয়তু শিবাজি); glory be. ~দুর্গা n. a manifestation of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ~ধ্বনি n. peals of victory; noise of ovation with which a triumphant or famous person is received, huzza. জয়ধ্বনি করা v. to receive with an ovation, to huzza. ~ধ্বজ, ~পতাকা n. a flag or standard of victory or triumph. ~পত্র n. a written certificate or declaration of success or triumph. ~পরাজয় n. victory and defeat; success and failure. ~ভেরি n. a war drum. ~মাল্য n. a wreath or laurel of victory. ~যুক্ত a. victorious, triumphant; successful. ~লক্ষ্মী same as ~শ্রী । ~লাভ n. attainment of victory. ~লেখ same as ~পত্র । জয়শঙ্খ n. a conch that is blown by a person to announce his or her victory. ~শ্রী n. the presiding goddess of victory. ~সাধ্য a. conquerable, vincible. ~স্তম্ভ n. a pillar or monument of victory.

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