খতম definitions

Bangla-Tangla Dictionary
খতম – annihilation (+ করা = to annihilate)
Samsad Bengali-English Dictionary
খতম [ khatama ] n end, termination; completion; removal; slaughter, murder. খতম করা v. to finish; to complete; to terminate; to accomplish; to put an end to; to re move; to kill, to slay, to murder, (sl.) to do in, to do to death. খতম হওয়া v. to be finished or completed or terminated or accomplished; to end; to be re moved; to be killed or slain, or murdered, (sl.) to be done in, to be done to death.
Samsad Bangla Abhidhan
খতম [ khatama ] বি. 1 সমাপ্তি, শেষ (কাজ খতমের পর); 2 বিনাশ, নিকাশ (শত্রুকে খতম করবই)। ☐ বিণ. 1 সমাপ্ত (তদন্ত খতম হয়েছে); 2 বিনষ্ট (শত্রু খতম হয়েছে)। [আ. খতম্]।

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