উদাসীন definitions

Bangla-Tangla Dictionary
উদাসীন – detached, indifferent
Samsad Bengali-English Dictionary
উদাস [ udāsa ] n indifference, disinterestedness, unconcern, callousness, stoicism; (rare) indifference to worldly interests. ☐ a. indifferent to worldly interests; indifferent, disinterested, callous; languid, spiritless; stoical, distracted; seedy or listless (উদাস মূর্তী). উদাসিনী fem. of উদাসী and উদাসীনউদাসী a. in different to worldly interests; callous, stoical; pococurante. ☐ n. one belonging to an order of ascetics who are in different to worldly interests or practise stoicism; a pococurante. উদাসীন a. disinterested, unattached; unaffected, unperturbed; callous; stoical; indifferent to worldly interests; pococurante; practising stoical asceticism. উদাসীনতা n. disinterestedness, aloofness; freedom from affection or perturbation; callousness; stoicism; indifference to worldly interests; pococurantism; practice of stoical asceticism.
Samsad Bangla Abhidhan
উদাসীন [ udāsīna ] বিণ. 1 অনাসক্ত, নিরাসক্ত (লাভ-লোকসান সম্পর্কে উদাসীন); 2 বিষয়বাসনা থেকে বিরত হয়ে ধর্মচিন্তায় রত; 3 নিরপেক্ষ, নিঃসম্পর্ক। [সং. উৎ + আসীন] বি. উদাসীনতা। স্ত্রী. উদাসীনা

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