উচ্চতম definitions

Bangla-Tangla Dictionary
উচ্চতম – highest
Samsad Bengali-English Dictionary
উচ্চ [ ucca ] a (for. High.) high, tall; elevated (উচ্চ ভূমি); socially high (উচ্চ বংশ); noble, exalted (উচ্চ মন); dignified or pompous (উচ্চ চালচলন); upper (উচ্চ শ্রেণি); high-pitched, loud (উচ্চ স্বর); dear, costly (উচ্চ মূল্য); superior, senior (উচ্চ পদ, উচ্চ কর্মচারী). ~কুলজাত a. born of a high family, highborn, nobly born. ~তম a. super; highest; loftiest. ~তর a. compar. higher; loftier. ~তা n. height, altitude; tallness; elevation; state of being socially high; nobleness, exaltedness; loudness. ~নাদ a. high sounding, making a loud noise; loud. ☐ n. a loud noise or sound. ~নীচ a. & n. high and low. ~পাত n. (astr.) the ascending node. ~বাচ্য n. response; any thing in favour or opposition; commenting. ~বাচ্য না করা v. not to respond; not to say anything in favour or opposition; not to pass any comments; to keep quiet, to remain silent. ~বিত্ত n. upper class. ☐ a. belonging to the up per class. উচ্চ বিদ্যালয় a high school. ~বেতন n. high or handsome or fat or big salary. ~ভাষী a. harsh-tongued; bragging. ~মধ্যবিত্ত n. upper middle class. ~মূল্য n. high price. ~রোল n. loud noise, clamour. ~শিক্ষা n. high or higher education. ~হার n. high rate. ~হারে adv. at a high rate. ~হাসি n. a loud laugh, a guffaw, laughter. ~হৃদয় a. large-hearted, high-minded, magnanimous, generous.

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