অরুণ definitions

Bangla-Tangla Dictionary
অরুণ – Arun [name]
Samsad Bengali-English Dictionary
অরুণ [ aruṇa ] n the sun; (myth.) the name of the charioteer of the sun; the newly-risen sun, the morning sun; glow of the morning sun; purple or crimson colour. ☐ a. purple, crimson; sanguine, florid. ~নয়ন, ~লোচন a. purple-eyed, crimson eyed. অরুণিত a. crimsoned, purpled; reddened. অরুণিম a. having a purple or crimson glow; rosy. অরুণিমা n. crimson or purple glow; rosiness. অরুণোদয় n. sunrise; dawn, daybreak. অরুণোপল n. the ruby.

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